August has brought me a little more sleep due to two teeth that have finally cut through although I still anxiously await a full nights sleep. It's progress though; two teeth down and several more to come. Jake has changed so much over the summer. From lying helplessly to sitting, jumping and reaching for everything in sight. He's so observant and focuses a long time on an object he's curious about. At the beginnng of summer it was pablum and puree to now eating everything I put in his mouth. He chomps an arrowroot cookie down in a big hurry. He's chubbier, laughs at every thing Hanna does and screams with all kinds of attitude.
Hannas' conversation these days is mostly about starting nursery school and sunday school. She is so excited about it and I don't think there will be many separation issues when leaving her there. I can hardly believe though that the school years are so close already. Time flies so swiftly that I hardly remember when she's done so much growing. It seems clothes that are too small seem to leave the drawers quite often. Her and I have clashed a lot this summer, me with impatience and her unwavering determination. Ah what a battle it is at times and there's many a days I wish I hadn't spoken so strongly or maybe used different tactics. I've worried that I'm just not being a good mom to her. However, recently she came to me and put her hand on the left side of my chest and says 'mom that's your heart, and you have to give your heart to Jesus and then we can see Heaven' She certainly doesn't comprehend everything she talks about but my heart warms that her impressionable mind soaks up the good things. Hearing those words makes me feel like God helping us get something right in this thing called parenting.
I'm still struggling feeling like I have so much to do and not enough time to do it. I've realized that when I'm feeling anxious about it, my children end up getting the least of quality time with me. Things just snowball from there: I eat less healthy, pray less, grumble more and find that rather that reaching a goal it becomes an endless circle of anxiety breeding more anxiety. Isn't realizing all this progress though? I concede that the yard doesn't need to be tip top to enjoy it. What doesn't get done today will still be there tomorrow. My children need me to focus on them, there is Godly work to do in processes of childcare and homemaking. Sometimes its a big load to bear but I realize I'm not bearing it alone. I've had a hard time sacrificing my freedom since the day Hanna was born and it still is a struggle. I feel guilty saying it out loud because it make me feel so selfish to still desire my own time so much. I'm coming to understand though that these seasons of my life require different things from me. It is in this season that much physical and mental energy is needed of me to care for my small children. There will be a season again with more time for me to focus on other interests. I seem to be very slowly learning this but I am learning daily. That's progress for for all of us; to be willing to learn daily from what God teaches us through this thing called life.
The kids have grown. Sweet as can be! You have said so much. Summed up parenthood. My kids are much older but I feel like you do. Time goes by so fast. Never enough time to get all done. In 30 years of motherhood it has never slowed down for me. Blessings!