Monday, October 3, 2011

Nature's Remedy

I stood on my porch this morning just taking in the beauty that fall brings. It makes you want to breathe so deep, that the fresh air will stay pungent in your lungs all day. Jake and I walked to the chicken coop and opened the doors to a flock so eager to get out and about into their treasure hunting world. The leaves were so dense beneath my feet, it was tempting to roll about like a little girl. Maybe that will be tomorrow's plan with Hanna! 

For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together. For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad. ~Edwin Way Teale

I just love the feeling that I get strolling about my yard. It like the trees are winding down to take a long nap, and the birds and wind playing a lullaby. The leaves a warm blanket to the ground that is getting colder. I love the awakening of Spring, the Renewal; and the slumber of Autumn, the Peace.

Today I'm left thankful for Nature's healing touch, His light shining through the Masterful crafting of this earth.


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